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Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

September 17th, 2014

Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Within the past two years, prostate cancer has risen to become one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers amongst men. With an overwhelming majority of cases diagnosed in men greater than 50 years old, the study of prostate cancer prevention, management and treatment has grown exponentially. Although traditional western medicine has been mainly responsible for its decreasing mortality rate, there are a number of naturopathic methods to help fight prostate cancer.


Antioxidants are a natural substance that have been proven to help reverse the cancer causing effects of free radicals. By working their way throughout our body and damaging our cell’s DNA, free radicals have been linked as a potential cause of prostate cancer.  Antioxidants prevent free radical damage and are found in abundance in our diet. Lycopene, Vitamin C & E, as well as Coenzyme Q10 are all antioxidant promoting substances which we can obtain from fresh fruits and vegetables to help prevent and fight prostate cancer.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals & Prostate CancerLimiting Toxins

Limiting our exposure to environmental toxins such as Bisphosphenol A (found in many PVC plastics), cadmium (found in batteries and tobacco cigarettes) and pesticides, can reduce the chance of prostate cancer. By consuming organic fruits, vegetables and meats, you can avoid potentially toxic by-products used in the raising, farming and harvesting of such many products you use everyday.


Exercise has been the age old answer to keeping the body in its optimal state of health. In cases where prostate cancer has been diagnosed, the healthier & stronger your body is, the better your immune system can work in conjunction with medications and treatments for prostate cancer treatment. In addition, a healthy body can fend off potential infections and causes that may lead to other types of cancer. Cardiovascular health, as well as reducing as many potential toxins in your body, are key to preventing future complications.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, speak with your doctor about supplemental natural remedies and things you can to do help defeat it. You may even speak with a nutritionist or dietitian to help improve your general health. If you have any further questions about natural remedies for prostate cancer, please feel free to contact Dr. Elist or your primary care physician soon.

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