Beverly Hills Penile Widening

Expand Your Horizons

Beverly Hills Penile Widening with Dr. James Elist

Discussing concerns about your penis size can be a sensitive and personal matter. It takes courage to seek information and guidance to make an informed decision. Dr. James Elist, the founder of Himplant in Beverly Hills, is a renowned urologist and men's health expert.
He understands the impact a smaller girth can have on a man's self-esteem and relationships and is dedicated to providing scientifically backed and effective solutions. It is important to note that the Himplant does not offer penile lengthening without the added benefit of increased girth. During your consultation with for penile widening Beverly Hills urologist, Dr. Elist, he will take the time to answer all of your questions and give you a detailed description of what you can expect procedure.

Male Enhancement: Penis Widening in Beverly Hills

What is Penile Widening?
The potential answer for a wider, thicker penis is here. Dr. Elist and his team in Beverly Hills have performed thousands of penis-widening procedures, specifically with the Himplant®, for over a decade. This procedure can give you added thickness with the option to remove it in the future if desired. Other enhancement procedures are far less effective and lack the natural look and feel that is achieved with the Himplant® enhancement. If you are looking to increase the proportions of your penis, whether as a corrective measure or purely for enhancement, then the option to enhance your confidence and masculinity is here to pursue.

Greater Girth and Increased Confidence

What are the benefits of Penile Widening?
The benefits of widening your penis are almost immeasurable. Many men are concerned with how to increase girth for many reasons in this current day and age. With Dr. Elist you may be able to not only increase your self-esteem and confidence, but you may also see the following possible benefits:
  • Enhanced girth (greater overall penis shaft circumference)
  • Corrective measure for unwanted mild to moderate penile curvature
  • Customized to your anatomy
  • Can be used in some cases to correct a buried penis
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Natural feel and appearance of the implant in both flaccid and erect states
  • Continued penis growth as the skin grows to accommodate the implant
Individual results may vary*. A detailed list of potential risks, complications, benefits, and alternatives, including no surgery, will be discussed in advance.

Therapeutic Benefits

Men suffering from genetic deficiencies or shrinkage or who are developing mild to moderate curvature can potentially have some of these conditions corrected with the penile implant procedure. In some cases, trauma and injury that the penis has sustained and not fully recovered from can also be addressed. The procedure can even potentially be combined with other corrective measures that will aid in resolving issues you may be experiencing with your genitalia.

Why Choose Dr. Elist For Your Penile Widening Procedure?

Your Penile Widening Consultation

Dr. James Elist is a dedicated urologist and surgeon with decades of experience and success, building on his knowledge and specializing in helping men increase penile girth. Choosing Dr. Elist means choosing a specialist with a professional and dedicated team. Beverly Hills penile widening expert, Dr. Elist, was at the forefront of the development of penile implant procedures and, to date, has performed thousands of penis-widening surgeries in Beverly Hills with massive success and excellent quality of service. Schedule an in-person appointment or call for a consultation with a personal consultant that will be able to answer any of your questions regarding penile widening.

The Girth You Desire

Your Penile Widening Procedure
After anesthesia, an incision is made along the scrotum beneath the base of the penis. Through this incision, Himplant® is inserted and fitted along the length of the penile shaft above the corpus cavernosa. The placement of the implant does not detract from the normal function or feel of the penis. The procedure is outpatient. You will be monitored over the following days to ensure that healing is coming along standardly.
Penile Widening ProcedurePenile Widening Procedure

Satisfying Results

Penile Widening Results
Penile Widening Results
Many clients claim to have overall greater satisfaction with their penis after undergoing penile widening surgery. Greater satisfaction for both you and your partner, as well as boosted self-confidence, are some of the many worthwhile results past patients have experienced. Individual results may vary.

Expected Recovery Time

Recovery and Aftercare
After penile widening Beverly Hills patients will have a recovery time that typically lasts about two weeks, during which time any bruising and/or swelling should subside. You may experience pain and discomfort if you have an erection during this time. Any pain can be managed with prescribed pain medication. Rigorous exercise and sexual activity must also be avoided for a period of time until cleared by the surgeon, allowing the penis to fully recover without any possible complications. Over the following months, the penis will continue to increase in size as it grows to accommodate the implant.

Penile Widening

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a candidate for Penile Widening?
Candidates for penis widening are generally men who feel inadequate with their current penile proportions or who have experienced injury or a reduction of their penis. Candidates may exhibit some of the following:
  • Buried penis syndrome
  • Have what they consider to be an unusually skinny or thin penile shaft
  • Have a deformed penis, whether genetic or via injury
  • Wish to correct mild to moderate penile curvature
  • Feel emasculated by their lack of penile width
  • Desire a wider penis
To ascertain whether the penile widening procedure is an option for you, you can speak directly to one of our personal consultants, who can guide you through the process and will make you feel comfortable discussing all your concerns.
What size is the right size for me?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The right size depends on personal preferences and individual circumstances. However, studies have shown that, on average, a penis with a larger girth and average length is generally preferred over a longer, thinner penis. It is important to remember that sexual satisfaction is not solely determined by penis size and that communication, intimacy, and emotional connection with your partner are also important factors that contribute to a fulfilling sexual experience.
Can I get just penis lengthening?
We do not offer procedures that just add length to the penis. The Himplant procedure typically positively impacts both the length and the girth of the penis after the surgery is complete. During your consultation, we will review the particulars of the procedure an answer any questions you have about what you can expect in terms of changes to the penis length and girth following treatment.
Learn more about Dr. Elist's Male Enhancement Procedures
Grab the Future with Both Hands
Schedule your private consultation with Dr. Elist
Through experience, empathy, and patient empowerment, Dr. Elist offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment plan for every patient. Schedule your consultation to discuss treatments for men in Los Angeles with premier surgeon Dr. James Elist, and begin your journey confident that your best results are just ahead of you.