December 16th, 2014
Urinary incontinence is a condition often associated with loss of bladder control. Though the severity of the problem may vary from person to person, it is an embarrassing situation for the person suffering from bladder control problems. Some of the common symptoms include mild leaking, uncontrollable wetting, depending on the severity of the problem. Urinary incontinence treatment depends on the severity and type of bladder control problem you are experiencing.
Incontinence is often caused by an underlying condition. If incontinence seems to affect the quality of your life, it will help to seek medical treatment to ease discomfort and prevent bladder control problems. You might like to start with conservative treatments, such as making lifestyle changes, reducing caffeine intake, bladder training, kegel exercises, biofeedback, and pelvic floor muscle training. If you leak urine while coughing, laughing, or sneezing, then it might help to reduce your liquid intake and avoid spicy foods, carbonated and caffeinated drinks.
Bladder training may work as a urinary incontinence treatment by gradually increasing the time between trips to the bathroom.
Your doctor may prescribe anticholinergics or antimuscarinics to help prevent bladder spasms. Botox injected into the bladder muscle is another less common treatment for incontinence. It increases the storage capacity of the bladder, causing it to relax, thus reducing episodes of incontinence. Botox injections are most commonly recommended for adults that hardly respond to these medications.
Some incontinence products, such as catheter, hand-held urinals, and absorbent products, can be useful in managing the condition, though these do not help in treating urinary incontinence.
In some women suffering severely from incontinence, a plastic device, known as pessary, can be inserted into the vagina to support the bladder neck and prevent urine leakage.
If the aforementioned urinary incontinence treatments do not offer much relief, surgery may be the only option. One surgical procedure is performed to support the bladder to bring it to its normal position.
Another surgical procedure, known as a sling procedure, involves use of a strap of synthetic mesh for providing adequate support for the urethra. The doctor may also implant small nerve simulators beneath the skin to stimulate control of the pelvic floor area. The implants can help control contractions in muscles and organs within the pelvic floor.
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Through experience, empathy, and patient empowerment, Dr. Elist offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment plan for every patient. Schedule your consultation to discuss treatments for men in Los Angeles with premier surgeon Dr. James Elist, and begin your journey confident that your best results are just ahead of you.