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Can a Vasectomy Be Reversed?

February 13th, 2015

Can a Vasectomy Be Reversed?

Can a Vasectomy be Reversed?

Many men which choose to have a vasectomy, do so because they are looking for a permanent method of birth control. However, just because you get a vasectomy doesn’t mean that it cannot be reversed later on, in case you decide to want to conceive children.

Vasectomy ImageHow Is a Vasectomy Done?

A vasectomy involves cutting the vas deferens; tubes within the testicles which channel sperm produced by the testicles into the semen upon ejaculation. Once the tubes are cut, sperm is no longer added to the semen and there is no risk of fertilization of a female ova (egg). It should be noted, that although sperm is no longer added to the semen, it is still produced by the testicles. In time, your body learns how to destroy and dispose of the sperm.

Reattachment of the Cut Tubes After a Vasectomy

Reattachment of the cut tubes after a vasectomy should be evaluated by a skilled urologist or surgeon. The amount of time which has passed from the time of the vasectomy is a determining factor whether or not reversal will be successful. Generally speaking, reversals within 3 years have the greatest chance of success. As time progresses after the vasectomy, your body learns how to destroy sperm. If you body destroys sperm before it is able to be added to semen, then the reconnection of the vas deferens will likely not yield positive results with respect to the ability to refertilize an female egg.

vasectomy risks imageFertility Complications After a Vasectomy

It is important to note that any fertility complications you may have had prior to the vasectomy, may still be present after the reversal. Complications such as low sperm count, irregular sperm, or erectile dysfunction are all factors which should be evaluated before a vasectomy so that in case you decide for a reversal, you can have a baseline to compare.
If you or someone you know is considering a vasectomy reversal, speak with you doctor or urologist today. Time is a factor and with prompt attention and a skillful surgeon or urologist, it will help your chances of a successful reversal.

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