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A Basic Guide To Condoms

March 27th, 2018

A Basic Guide To Condoms

A Basic Guide To Condoms

In the modern world, the most authentic and proven preventive measure against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV transmission while having a sexual intercourse are male condoms. Female condoms are not so popular as compared to male condoms but nonetheless they too provide a shield against STIs and undesired pregnancy. Women have less to lose when using a female condom (and not to mention how it can help with contraception).

ASHA has been promoting the idea that using a condom can prevent the users from the spread of infections and the associated harmful effects. The effectiveness of condoms depends upon the correct as well as consistent use.

STIs can be prevented by:

  • Not having sex with the partner who has been diagnosed with any STIs
  • Not staying in a relationship with the partner who has had a negative result for STIs screening.
  • Seeing a doctor at emergent basis if you had been diagnosed with an STI

A Basic Guideline To The Use Of Male Condoms

  • A male condom that is made only of polyurethane or latex must be used.Newest Contraceptive Methods For Men Image
  • Male condom must be kept at a dry, cool place.
  • Prior to having a condom contact with the genitals of the partner, it must be placed on a hard or an erect penis.
  • Lubricant always makes things easier. So, in case of painful or uncomfortable vaginal sex, a lubricant may be used along with the latex condom. A lubricant may also prevent the tearing or ripping of the condom.
  • Products having oiled based should NOT be used along with the latex made condom; these products may include cooking or baby oils, petroleum jelly or various hand lotions. The oil based lubricants can make the condom weak and fragile. Hydrophilic base containing lubricants area relief to use with the condom but they can also elevate the STIs risk when being used during anal sex. For anal sex, a lubricant with a silicon base is generally considered ideal.
  • Once done with the sex, never forget to hold the condom from the base while pulling out or withdrawing the penis.
  • A used condom should never be re-used again and must be discarded right away. For every different sex, a new condom should be used.
  • Using an expired condom can cause a lot of trouble as it becomes easily breakable and dry.
  • Avoid unrolling the condom prior to placing on an erect or hard penis.
  • Avoid leaving condoms in hot or warm places such as car or a wallet.
  • Avoid using teeth or fingernails while unwrapping a condom. It increases the likelihood of tearing the condom present inside. In case the condom ends up being torn while being unwrapped then it should not be used and must be replaced by a new condom.
  • Avoid using lubricants containing spermicide known as nonoxynol-9 aka N-9, on the regular basis as these lubricants can cause unwanted irritation of the skin along with small abrasions. This can make the skin of genital area more prone to STIs.

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