Why Men Should Eat More Broccoli

September 7, 2018

Why Men Should Eat More Broccoli

Broccoli is a superfood. The amount of phenolic compounds found in broccoli (full of fiber and nutrients) have the ability to fight cancer, but can also solve minor health concerns such as allergies. In addition, broccoli has been linked to lowering the risk of diseases such as asthma, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Next time you are offered from broccoli, we recommend taking an extra serving.

Lowering Cancer Risk

Broccoli has the ability to lower your cancer risk. Cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli) contain isothiocyanate and glucoraphanin which can ignite genetic changes in the body. These changes can fuel genes that fight off cancer. In addition, they can halt tumor growth. The cancer-lowering properties are found in raw broccoli (heating it destroys these substances).

High in Vitamins

Broccoli is high in both vitamin A and K. These two vitamins help our body take in vitamin D, which is paramount to maintaining healthy bones and preventing disease. Additionally, broccoli has a high content of vitamin C. One cup of broccoli gives you 135% of your recommended vitamin C intake.

Preventing Heart Disease

There are many chemicals and minerals found in broccoli that promote heart health. Lutein keeps your arteries open and blood flowing. Folate protects the arteries. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that broccoli sparks the production of thioredoxin, which protects heart damage.

High in Fiber

A diet high in fiber has many benefits. It prevents colon cancer, lowers cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar. It keeps your gut and intestinal tract in check. Essentially, it helps the body run properly.

Taking Control

If you are looking to take control of your diet and lifestyle in order to better your health, it is always easier to do so with guidance and support. Dr. Elist, a male health expert has spent over three decades helping men improve their life. If you are looking for the help, Dr. Elist is the expert to contact.

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