Is there a too old for sex?

September 27, 2013
Is there a too old for sex?

Is There A Too Old for Sex?

Have you recently caught yourself being in more muscle and joint pains after your regular physical activities? Has your sleep pattern change? Well, nobody likes to admit to getting older, but we all do. As time passes by, our body undergoes several changes which become more noticeable as we advance in time. Older age has always been associated with aches and pains, chronic diseases, and change in sexual behavior, but is anyone too old for sex? We have discussed the association between age and sexual and erectile dysfunction while covering a broad spectrum of causes, symptoms, and solutions. So why not for once address the importance of sexual relations in our senior years and discussing if there is a too old for sex?

too old for sex?

As we age, our body and mind mature and undergo changes; we learn and relearn from our experiences and adjust to our daily needs and surrounding social environment. One important aspect of our social life has always been and will always remain romantic relations and sex. As we age, we relearn how to be romantic and how to navigate our physical activity and our partner's abilities and needs. In general, and with advanced age, the expectations in our physical abilities decrease and some may expect the older generation not to be able to have healthy relationships and consider them too old for sex. But fact is, sex is fun for people of all ages and no one is too old for sex!In opposite to general belief, with advanced age our libido may decrease or even increase, and despite the myth that sex might be too strenuous for us old-schoolers, time and experience teaches us on how to stay active and adjust ourselves to certain abilities and forget the too old for sex term! In fact, surveys show that more and more elder adults take back their sex lives and remain sexually active. So is that too risky and we should stop? In contrary to this idea, sexual activity may indeed have many health benefits as we grow older. And you might be surprised when you hear this: sex in older age may reduce your blood pressure, decrease bad cholesterol, reduce risk of strokes, boost your immune system, and may even be protective against prostate cancer! See? Don't let anyone use the term "too old for sex" no more!

Research Denies Being Too Old for Sex Term!

Studies have found that those who engage in some sexual activity respond better to stressful events and thus have lower blood pressure during such events. A 20-year British study indicated that individuals who engaged in some sexual activity two or more times a week were 45 percent less likely to suffer from a heart attack than those who had sex less than once a month. (By the way, there is no link between stroke and sexual activity!). With up to 85 calories burned during 30 minutes of sexual activity, sex counts as a great cardio routine for the elderly and is a proof that there is no too old for sex! How about that: have sex, lose weight, and get fit!

too old for sex?, Aging and Decreased Libido

And last but not least, sexual activity in general helps boost the immune system, improve sleep, and even helps to regulate pain.As one can see from the above given facts, sex should remain an important aspect of our lives from young ages all through the senior years and we would never accept anyone's excuses for being too old for sex. And please do not forget that all the precautions that are expected from the younger generation (STD testing and prevention, practice of safe sex, etc.) will be expected to be followed by the elderly role models.As we get older and our bodies and activities change our emotions and relations may become stronger and sex should and will be one important factor contributing to overall satisfaction in our lives. Know your limits, pace yourselves, and enjoy the hot and intimate moments and never ever let anyone tell you are too old for sex!

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