Testosterone Replacement

July 11, 2014
Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone helps in the proper development of sexual characteristics in men. However, with age, there is a gradual decline in the amount their levels, and men suffer from inadequate production of the hormone. There are other causes of reduction in testosterone levels (Testosterone Levels and Body Weight), including infection, injury, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, chemo or radiation therapy, inflammatory disease (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), or genetic abnormalities. If you are suffering from hormonal imbalanced levels, worry not! Fortunately, a number of testosterone replacement (Testosterone Replacement Options) options are available.

Low Testosterone | Symptoms

Symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of body hair
  • Skin changes

Testosterone Replacement Image

Testosterone Replacement If your blood tests confirm that your testosterone levels are far below the normal, your doctor may suggest a hormone replacement therapy to replace the missing hormones and restore the levels in the body, removing any symptoms of hypogonadism (Hypogonadism Wiki Page).Your doctor will discuss the available testosterone replacement therapy options with you before deciding which one will be the most appropriate for you.

Popular Testosterone Replacement Options

  • Testosterone gel applied topically – The treatment requires application of gel, which contains testosterone in colorless formulation, onto the skin, especially on the shoulders, arms, and abdomen. The gel is quickly absorbed by the skin, raising the serum testosterone concentration to normal levels for 24 hours.
  • Intramuscular injections – In cases of male hypogonadism, injections of testosterone enanthate are administered into the muscle of the patient. Injection therapy includes taking testosterone shots every three weeks or every three months, as suggested by the medical practitioner. The injections help regulate hormone levels and improve male health, vitality, and an increased sperm count (Sperm Mobility | Fertility | Pregnancy).
  • Oral tablets – For long-term hormone replacement, taking the hormone orally isn’t recommended due to the fear of liver toxicity. Oral testosterone undecanoate can be taken for short periods to avoid liver toxicity problems.
  • Testosterone patch - A patch containing the hormone will allow the absorption of the hormone by the skin. Patches are applied on the abdomen, back, thigh, or upper arm each night. The site of the application does not remain the same everyday and is rotated every seven days to reduce the risk of skin reactions.
  • Subcutaneous implant – This testosterone replacement therapy involves surgical insertion of cylindrical pellets in the thigh, buttock, or abdomen every three to six months.
  • Buccal tablet: Testosterone tablet is applied to the gum above the front teeth, where it is absorbed within 12 hours. The patient is advised to take buccal tablets twice daily.

Are Testosterone Replacement Options Safe?

There may be a few side effects of each testosterone replacement therapy. However, your doctor is an expert to advise you which treatment option is right for you and can help you achieve sufficient levels of hormone replacement. Many patients report improvement in sex drive (Low Sex Drive?), muscle mass, bone density, energy level, and quality of erections (Dr. Elist Tips for Getting Harder Erections).

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