Sugar and Prostate Cancer

July 9, 2018
Sugar and Prostate Cancer

Sugar and Prostate Cancer

When it comes to cancer, our diet plays a profound role in how our body’s fight against it. Maintaining a healthy diet that is full with the appropriate nutrients can reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer and prevent prostate cancer from advancing. According to the University of California San Francisco, a third of cancer deaths in the U.S. can be attributed to diet.A healthy diet consists of limited fats and sugars. An optimal diet is similar to diets recommended for people with chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. It is important to follow these guidelines:-Fruits and vegetables-Primarily plant based-Low in fat-Limited sugar-High in fiberMany studies have found that cruciferous vegetables have been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. In addition, a study points a high-fiber, low-fat diet results in reduced growth of prostate cancer.

Limit Sugar

High sugar foods are very low in nutrient value. They are usually highly processed, refined, and low in fiber. High sugar foods boots serum insulin and serum IGF-I levels in our bodies, which result in cancer cell development. Essentially, reducing your sugar intake can be effective when it comes to regulating blood sugar and fighting cancer.A glycemic load (GL) and glycemic index (GI) are indicators on how our bodies processes carbs and alter our insulin and blood sugar levels. A lower GL results in lower insulin and blood sugar levels. Research proves that those will excess insulin levels are at a higher risk.A study conducted by Canadian Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group found that those who had a diet high in GL were 26% increased risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, the study found that a high GL diet lead to a 41% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Be Productive

Be productive when it comes to your health. Paying attention to your body and what goes in it is the first step. Sometimes, information and guidance is what you need to get started. Dr. Elist is a medical professional who has ample experience in the men’s health field. Him and his team can help you start your health journey.

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