Can SPANX® be Blamed for Female Bladder Infections?
Many red carpet movie stars credit SPANX® for perfecting their smooth sleek curves and stunning looks. Miley Cyrus refers to SPANX® as “a Gift from God” and even Tom Hanks has admitted to wearing this brand of shape wear. SPANX® is a modern day corset without the wires and strings and is basically a spandex type of shape wear that is worn underneath your clothing to smooth out any bulges or awkward lines from underwear. The inventor of SPANX®, Sara Blakely, was listed in Forbes Magazine as the youngest female billionaire--all her fortune was earned from SPANX®! Men and women have enjoyed the benefits of tummy control and extra inches becoming “invisible”. Shape wear has been elevated to something close to a contemporary miracle. Contrary to fashion beliefs. SPANX® , wearing these garments can pose health issues.
SPANX Health Concerns and Problems:
Female Bladder Infections
The concept of shape wear is to “pull in” fat and skin to create a shapely look. The shape wear is designed to be tight and snug fitting. If you are wearing shape wear on your lower body, this snug fit does not allow room for air and circulation and can create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.
Dr Oz’s Beauty Blunders
The famous Dr. Oz discussed how a bladder infection can grow as a result of using shape wear daily and without washing in between usage. He drew a circle on the floor. Then placed an exercise ball over green gel looking liquid that was near the circle. The circle represented the vagina and opening to the urinary tract. The green liquid represented the anus and bacteria. He then had an audience member place the ball over the circle and bounce up and down it in slightly, to represent the movement of shape wear over the anus and vaginal areas. Dr. Oz then pointed out how bacteria from the anus was able to move to the urinary tract and possibly cause a bladder infection. His conclusion: shape wear needs to be washed after each use and should not be worn daily since it may cause unintentional health problems, such as bladder infections.
SPANX Health Concerns: Hello Heart Burn!
Unfortunately, the snug fit can actually compress and place pressure on your body and your organs. Imagine your stomach trying to digest food or beverage. If your abdomen is compressed, the

n the normal process of food being digested and moving through your digestive tract will be impaired. There is the possibility of food being pushed up back into your esophagus and thus causing heart burn. Chronic heart burn can lead to many other damaging health issues. It has been suggested that shape wear to not be worn until 30 minutes after eating. Imagine the discomfort of trying to eat while your organs are being squeezed into shape wear!
Controlling Lumps and Bumps
Shape wear is okay to wear on a limited basis. If you are experiencing chronic urinary tract infections and use shape wear on a consistent basis, share this information with your physician. Could be that your clothing is contributing to infection. If you are under physician care and plan on using shape wear, mention this to your doctor to confirm the shape wear will not interfere with your health care plan as he is familiar with SPANX health concerns.