Sex Kills! Really? Read About Sex Injuries

December 13, 2013
Sex Kills! Really? Read About Sex Injuries

Sex Kills You!

Hello and welcome back to our sex advisory for the weekend. Many of us, especially the more adventurous ones, are again in the middle of preparations for the weekend's game. Well, not that we would say that sex is a weekend thing only, but to be honest, most of us take advantage of the days off to get in the mood and get it on. So if that's the plan, please read this post carefully and always consider the possibility that SEX KILLS!While many have a good time and enjoy their adventures during the weekend, some may end up with serious injuries during sex that could be potentially life threatening. Especially the consumption of alcohol and other party drugs in conjunction with "magical pills" some consider to take pose a potential health risk to many men and women. In fact, a recently published survey from Britain revealed that 5% of the population questioned had suffered an injury during sex.Interesting thing is that this survey, which was done by pain-relief gel Polar Frost, has also shown that Brits are the most adventurous and sometimes reckless lovers; the "hooligans of sex." And if you believe that you are safe because of not being British or not living on the big island, then you are mistaking my friends. Many recently published market surveys and FDA warnings show that more men, specifically younger guys, reach out to over the counter sex supplements in order to "improve" their manhood. What is mostly unknown is the fact that using any kind of drugs or supplements, or any unsafe sexual practice may put you at the risk of serious injuries which could potentially become life threatening.

Penile Fracture

Penile Fracture

One of the most painful injuries associated with sex is penis fracture (Click to read more about penile fracture). Penile fracture may occurs during penetrative sex or masturbation, when a rapid blunt force is applied to an erect penis causing a rupture of the tunica albuginea (a though fibrous tissue surrounding the corpora) of the corpus cavernosum (the erectile body), which may extend to the urethra and corpus spongiosum (the spongy body). Penile fracture is accompanied by a popping sound and is significantly painful. Penis fracture is a medical emergency and requires urgent surgical treatment otherwise it might result in severe deformity and erectile dysfunction.


In the age of erectile dysfunction drugs and over the counter supplements, the temptation of taking these drugs in order to prolong or harden an erection has become very popular among men who actually do not suffer from erectile issues. While useful for erectile issues, these drugs can potentially be harmful. Used when no erectile issues are given, these drugs may cause a prolonged erection with the penis being fully engorged for many hours which is called Priapism(Read More here). Well, this was never intended by the nature, and such a prolonged erection will eventually cause tissue damaged if not treated in timely manner. Left untreated, the tissue necrosis resulting from lack of oxygen due to increased intra-penile pressure may eventually cause severe damages to the penis and warrant an amputation. You can read more about Priapism symptoms and treatments here.

Killer Juggs!

Sex Kills Images

Some news from the European continent report absurd incidences of men being life threatened or killed by female breasts. In UK, a drunken woman accidentally smothered her boyfriend to death with her breasts!In Germany, a man had accused his girlfriend to try and kill him with her breasts! According to the man his girlfriend wanted his death to be as pleasurable as possible.Well, gentlemen, and ladies, while the above discussed conditions will not directly kill you, but they definitely will kill your sex life for a long period of time, so can we really say sex kills? Besides appropriate protective measures for safe sex(Click to read more about STDs), the right sexual behavior and staying away of "sex wonder pills" are easy ways to enjoy healthy and great sex.

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