Practicing Safe Sex During the Holidays

October 31, 2014
Practicing Safe Sex During the Holidays

Practicing Safe Sex During the Holidays

The holidays are generally considered to be a happy period of time filled with celebrations, gatherings, good food and great times. It is no wonder that according to a recent study, in the past 3 years there has been an increase in new STD incidences reported in January of each year. Coinciding with the conclusion of the holiday season, this can be attributed to a coincidence, or it could point to increased sexual activity during the holiday period resulting in the increased incidences of STD. Whether or not there is a coincidence, here are some simple ways you can practice safe sex during the holidays.

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Avoid Overindulging… in Food and Drink!

Yes, we all pack on a few pounds following the holidays, no doubt caused by eating lots of festive food and drink. However, with those celebrations and get togethers, it is easy to overindulge in alcohol that can lower our inhibitions leading us to make questionable decisions. Although this advise can be applied not only to just the holidays, but to most every period in life, drinking alcohol responsibly can lead to better decision making which can lessen the instance of risky sexual behavior.


Carry Protection

If you know you are going to attend a party, celebration or get together, it’s not a bad idea to bring a condom with you. Having a condom with you will increase the chance that you will use it if the opportunity knocks. If you are unfamiliar with the different types of condoms available, try different types to see which you prefer. Ones with a type of spermicidal lubricant already applied to the condom can also help lower pregnancy risk

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Have Yourself Checked!

If you are sexually active, it is important to have yourself checked for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) frequently. It is not a bad idea to have yourself checked before the upcoming holiday season. Checking often can help prevent the spread of the disease and can ensure that you get treated quickly before long-term effects become apparent.Practicing safe sex is something everyone should remember, especially during the holiday season. A little bit of caution and care can really go a long way!

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