Natural Ways to Increase Fertility in Women

July 3, 2018
Natural Ways to Increase Fertility in Women

Natural Ways to Increase Fertility in Women

The American Pregnancy Association has stated that infertility is becoming a bigger and growing issue for millions of Americans. According to a recent survey, infertility affects 6.1 million couples in the United States. Of those 6.1 million Americans, 25% of couples who are infertile can blame more than one cause. This is due to the rise of STDs, lifestyle choices, and the cultural changes. Many couples prefer natural remedies when it comes to helping their fertility. Before partaking in the arduous task of IVF and other hormonal replacement therapies, take a look at some of the natural ways to increase fertility in women.

Rich Antioxidant Diet

A rich antioxidant diet rich in minerals such as zinc and folate can improve fertility for both men and women. Free radicals can damage both eggs and sperm, resulting in complications when it comes to reproducing. A diet rich in antioxidants (foods that have high vitamin C & E levels, beta-carotene, lutein, and folate) such as nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits, can improve egg and sperm quality. In addition, it can also help couples who are already in the IVF process. A study that followed 60 couples through the IVF process found that taking an antioxidant supplement gave them a 23% greater chance of conception.

Avoiding Trans Fat

Trans fat is known to have a negative effect on insulin sensitivity. Women who have a high sensitivity to insulin have a higher risk of ovulatory infertility. A 2007 study conducted by the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health found that a diet high in trans fat was linked to infertility. Trans fats are found in vegetable oils, processed products, fried foods, and common baked goods. If you choose trans fat over monounsaturated fats you increase ovulatory infertility by 31% according to Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Change Your Protein Source

The Department of Nutrition at The Harvard School of Public Health suggests that replacing animal protein sources (meat, fish, eggs) with vegetable proteins (nuts, beans, seeds) can help reduce infertility. Their study concluded that higher protein count from meat could result in 32% higher chance of ovulatory infertility. Another study found that even replacing 5% of animal protein with vegetables could decrease ovulatory infertility by +50%.


Regular use of multivitamin supplements may decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility. If women were to take 3 or more multivitamins per week, ovulatory infertility could be down by 20%. In addition, multivitamins containing folate could be extremely beneficial.

Consult Fertility Experts

A significant amount of infertility issues and ovulation disorders can be improved through changes in diet and lifestyle. It is important to consult a health care provider or fertility expert if you feel like you are fertile, under 35 years old and have been trying to conceive for a year. It can be a hard task determining what is causing your fertility problems. However, with the help of experts such as Dr. Elist, you can get the answers you need to help you start a family. With other 30 years of experience, Dr. Elist has helped thousands of men and women move forward with their reproductive life.

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