How Much Sex is Healthy

May 10, 2018

How Much Sex is Healthy

Sex is not only an important aspect of relationships. Sex improves your health and happiness as well. Many of us believe that we have to hit a certain quota when it comes to sex. How much sex constitutes a healthy relationship? Sex frequency varies over time and can be affected by many things such as age, emotions, life events, and distractions. However, sex is a highly personal choice. As long as yourself and your partner are satisfied and happy, then the frequency of sex can take the backburner.

A Sexless Relationship

Not having sex does not mean couples are unhappy, unsatisfied, or unstable. Couples who are defined as ‘sexless’ are those who have sex less than 10 times per year. This designates 15-20% of committed couples. Although sex is personal and lack of it does indicate something is ‘wrong’, numerous studies have found that less sex does correspond with marital problems. It can spark instability and promote frustration.

Should You Be Worried?

Lack of sexual interest can stem from numerous factors. Libios diminish due to age, psychological problems, and the distractions of everyday life. Our aging not only weakens hormone levels, but also leads to physical problems such as erectile dysfunction. If you notice sex becoming less frequent and it’s affecting both you and your partner negatively, seeking help and making changes can help you get revive your sex life. According a study spearheaded by psychologist Amy Muise at York University of Canada, couples who have sex tend to experience overall well-being.

Sexual Behaviors

The General Social Survey (GSS) has surveyed America’s sexual behaviors since the 1970s. Their numerous studies show the importance of sex. According to the GSS, married couples have sex an average 58 times per year.. GSS found that couples in their 20s have sex an average 111 times a year. This percentage decreases roughly 20% per decade. This helps us conclude that age plays a paramount role in sexual activity. However, there is little to worry if your numbers don’t match with those of the General Social Survey. There is truly is no norm for sexual behavior or frequency. However, there are ways to help you combat the physical issues that are diminishing your sex life.If you are questioning if your sex life is healthy and satisfied, that is a sure indication that something isn’t working. If you are struggling with your sex life and frequency, don’t wait for your partner to fix it. Take action and help yourself! Dr. Elist and his team are male sexual experts who specialize in male sexual dysfunction. Their patented technology, experience, and guidance can transform your life. Think about it, clinical penile enlargement surgery can help you, contact Dr. Elist.

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