Female Sexual Stimulants
Female sexual stimulants are needed for the optimal management of sexual dysfunction in females (Female Sexual Dysfunction Page). The classic presentation varies in different women based on physiological, pathological or hormonal factors. Most common symptoms that may warrant management protocols for sexual stimulation are.
- Alteration in normal incentives or interest for engaging in sexual contact
- Experiencing difficulty in getting physically or genitally stimulated
- Varying degree of difficulty in triggering sexual desires (Healthy Sexual Relationship Page) during the act of intercourse
- Inability to achieve climax or orgasm (Orgasm! OH! I’m coming and becoming healthy! Page)
- Pain or discomfort (Painful Ejaculation Treatment – Part 2 Page) during the act of intercourse
- According to data reported in the peer reviewed Journal of American Association JAMA (2), author suggested that the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in females (aged 18 to 59 years) is 43%.
Risk Factors That May Lead to Sexual Dysfunction?
It has been observed that female libido a.k.a obtaining the appropriate female sexual stimulants (or ability to get sexually stimulated) varies from person to person and even in the same person at different points of life (or even in one month due to changes in the secretion rate and serum levels of different hormones).However, some risk factors that may lead to significant alterations in the normal rhythm of female sexual stimulants include
- Advancing Age
- Menopause
- Side effects of certain Exogenous hormonal supplements (Aphrodisiac Supplements Page) or drugs etc.
- Certain health issues like Multiple Sclerosis
Possible Options For Female Sexual Stimulants

Female Sexual Stimulants According to a latest report by Heather Hartley (3), investigators and healthcare professionals are working on developing a drug that may serve same function as Viagra (Erectile | Erectile Dysfunction Remedies Page) in males. So far there is no such reliable therapy available; yet there are several devices, pharmacological preparations and herbal supplements that are frequently used by women to improve libido or sex drive (Libido Control | Libido Mufflers or Curbing Sexual Drive Page); few options are.
- Vibrators | Female Sexual Stimulants
According to data reported by The Journal of Sexual Medicine (4), approximately 52.5% females (aged 18–60 years) use vibrators on regular basis in United States. Report also indicated that over 71.5% females reported improvement in orgasms (Eat Your Way to Bigger Orgasms Page), female sexual stimulants, and satisfaction with vibrator use. No significant side effects were reported in females who maintain optimal genital hygiene and keep up with periodic gynecological visits.
- Lubricants and Arousal Gels | Female Sexual Stimulants
These agents are exceptionally helpful in women with low libido (Female Libido.. Not Tonight, Honey! Page) due to vaginal dryness (as a result of menopause or any other hormonal/ non-hormonal condition). Most notable products include K-Y jelly, Moist Again, Pink, Pjur, Mineral oil, Pure Pleasure, and several others. According to a latest survey, more than 70% females reported a substantial improvement in arousal, orgasmic quality, sexual pleasure, and psycho-sexual fulfillment.
- Massage Oils | Female Sexual Stimulants
This includes products like Zestra that are available as over the counter preparation that enhances sexual arousal in women.
- Vaginal Estrogen Products | Female Sexual Stimulants
Deficiency of estrogen due to aging, health issues, menopause or other factors affect libido and vaginal dryness that may affect the quality of intercourse. Use of estrogen gels or topical applicants can help in managing vaginal dryness without increasing the risk of malignancy (Malignancy Wiki Page) (as opposed to oral hormone replacement therapy). Common examples include Neo-Estrone, Estrace, Premarin and others.
Female Sexual Stimulant Nutritional and Herbal Supplement Boosters
Certain herbal and nutritional supplements (Women Hormone Balance | Natural Hormone Balancing Page) are also known to act as natural boosters of mood that may directly or indirectly also affect female sexual stimulants. Most nutritional supplements improve female libido enhancing the flow of blood across female genial tissues such as vagina, cervix, labia, and clitoris (Female Orgasm Mystery Page).
- For example, people of Central America use herb Turnera diffusa (Damiana) as aphrodisiac (Aphrodisiac Foods: Claims and Facts Page). The primary mode of action is possibly improving the release of certain neuro-chemicals that improves mood and enhance blood circulation to genital organs.
- Mucuna Pruriens enhance mental alertness, male and female sexual stimulation, and energy levels. It also increases the secretion of testosterone (Testosterone Replacement Options | Testosterone Deficiency Page) that helps in producing desired results.
- Passionflower (also known as Passiflora Incarnata) is available in oral formulations as well as massage oils. It enhances male and female sexual stimulants by inducing soothing relaxation that facilitates orgasm.
Achieve Female Sexual Stimulants Through Other Nutritional or Herbal Supplements

Female Sexual Stimulants
- L-arginine
- Yohimbine
- Cis-trans-nepetalactone
- Royal jelly
- Cindy M. Meston and Manuel Worcel (5) introduced Yohimbine, L-Arginine and Glutamate in females with diagnosed Sexual Arousal Disorder. Investigators suggested that within 60 min of administration, increased vaginal stimulation through female sexual stimulants that were recorded by a rise in the amplitude of sexual impulses to erotic film had taken place.
Hazards of Unregulated Use of Female Sexual Stimulants?
Although, most over the counter, FDA approved preparations are generally well tolerated and have excellent response rates; yet it should be kept in mind that unregulated or unsupervised use of certain female sexual stimulants can increase the risk of acute side effects or long term complications.For example, according to a study published in Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (6), about 256 females were enrolled in a 16-week randomized, controlled trial to test the efficacy of Zestra. Although almost all females reported satisfactory arousal and sexual stimulation; approximately 14.6% reported at least some degree of vaginal discomfort (genital burning) associated with Zestra.Likewise, inadequate genital hygiene can increase the risk of urinary tract infection (Interstitial Cystitis Page) or genital infection with the use of lubricants or moisturizers.
Other Tips to Improve Female Sexual Stimulation?
Some other female sexual stimulants are.
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
- Regular physical activity
- Maintenance of healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet
- Modification of prescription drug regimen
It is highly recommended to speak to a healthcare professional if you experience sudden or gradual changes in normal sexual function. Often times, stress relieving strategies and anti-anxiety therapy can improve the sexual stimulation. Feel free to discuss your concerns if your partner.References:
- Basson, R., Wierman, M. E., Van Lankveld, J., & Brotto, L. (2010). Reports: summary of the recommendations on sexual dysfunctions in women. The journal of sexual medicine, 7(1pt2), 314-326.
- Laumann, E. O., Paik, A., & Rosen, R. C. (1999). Sexual dysfunction in the United States: prevalence and predictors. Jama, 281(6), 537-544.
- Hartley, H. (2006). The ‘pinking’of Viagra culture: Drug industry efforts to create and repackage sex drugs for women. Sexualities, 9(3), 363-378.
- Herbenick, D., Reece, M., Sanders, S., Dodge, B., Ghassemi, A., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2009). Prevalence and characteristics of vibrator use by women in the United States: Results from a nationally representative study. The journal of sexual medicine, 6(7), 1857-1866.
- Meston, C. M., & Worcel, M. (2002). The effects of yohimbine plus L-arginine glutamate on sexual arousal in postmenopausal women with sexual arousal disorder. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31(4), 323-332.
- Ferguson, D. M., Hosmane, B., & Heiman, J. R. (2010). Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel design trial of the efficacy and safety of Zestra® in women with mixed desire/interest/arousal/orgasm disorders. Journal of sex & marital therapy, 36(1), 66-86.