Dr. Elist Discusses His Penile Enlargement Procedure
If you are looking for a solution to increase the size of your penis, please take a few moments to surf through my website at and find useful information about the available options.We are able to increase the size of the penis. Using a small incision at the suprapubic area, the Penuma Implant is inserted underneath the skin all the way to the area right below the glans. The Penuma Implant wraps around the penis shaft providing increase in the circumference or width, and the maximum stretching elongates the penis. Immediately after the surgery, you will see the increases in your penis girth. After a few months, when the skin starts to stretch allowing the penis to move outside the pubic area, you will notice progressive increases.
Advantages of Penuma Implant
Some advantages my procedure using the implant vs all other available procedures include:
Penuma Implant Risk and Complications

Dr. Elist At Surgery Room As associated with every kind of surgery, may include:
- Inflammation and swelling for a few weeks
- Increased or decreased sensitivity for a few weeks
- Wound healing problems, especially if you smoke against our advice
- Infection, with a low risk
If you would like to receive more information about the Penuma Implant, please feel free to surf our website.We have also added a Phalloplasty Facts section to the website that will be completed gradually through out the upcoming weeks, in this section we will discuss all the different methods of penile enhancement available from a neutral point of view. We also have added a section that you are more than welcome to post your questions regarding Phalloplasty and we would reply and post the answers as a FAQ section so everyone can see and benefits from other's experiences or questions.You can already submit your questions here.Me and my team hope that this new section would help all people decide and plan better for their penile enhancement surgeries.