Drinking Water and Hormonal Balance
The Nature has designed human body with absolute precision and care. Most of our tissues and organs can only function under strict biochemical and hormonal conditions. Therefore it is safe to assume that any disease or health issue that compromises the integrity of internal environment can lead to systemic dysfunction.

Most common cause of biochemical disruption in the body is hormonal imbalance. Healthcare providers suggest that hormonal dysregulations have a cause-effect relationship with the biochemical harmony. In other words, biochemical dysregulation can lead to hormonal imbalance and vice versa.There are a number of hormones in our body that may respond to systemic ailments. Most frequently reported ones are:
- Hypersecretion of Adrenal gland: Adrenal gland prepares the body for stressful situations. Any time your body is under crisis, the rate of adrenal gland secretion increases that may present as fertility issues, libido issues, acne, headaches, renal dysfunction, metabolic derangements etc. It is imperative to mention that any minor pH changes or high toxin levels in serum are perceived by the body as a “stressful situation”.
- Estrogen imbalance: Intake of certain plants, chemicals or drugs can impair the natural estrogen balance in the body. Estrogen excess in females can interfere with menstrual cycles, ovulation and may present as fertility issues; whereas high estrogen levels in male subjects can present as gynecomastia, abnormal deposition of fat/ adipose tissues, acne and impaired libido.
- Testosterone: High intake of toxins or irritants can also affect the testosterone secretion and may present as reproductive dysfunction, impaired libido and other physical or emotional issues.
Other hormones include; follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), insulin, glucagon and luteinizing hormone (LH).
What Are Some Signs That May Suggest You Have Hormonal Imbalance?

Unfortunately, most cases of hormonal imbalance presents with non-specific sign and symptoms (at least in the beginning). If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, you may have hormonal imbalance.
- Persistent weight gain despite no noticeable changes in the diet or lifestyle (or activity status)
- Abnormal deposition of fat and gradual loss of muscle mass
- Decreasing interest in sex drive or loss of libido
- Persistent feeling of fatigue without any strenuous physical activity
- Cravings for unhealthy foods are usually seen in the setting of insulin disturbances or adrenal fatigue
- Indigestion and symptoms of gastric disturbances (such as bloating, gas trouble, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation of food or chest pain etc.)
- Mood swings, irritability, depression, agitation, hot flashes, sweating or unprovoked anger/ aggression
- Changes in the quality or character of sleep, insomnia or restless sleep
How Can You Optimize Hormonal Rhythm in Your Body?
Although, mild to moderate changes in the secretion or metabolism of endocrine hormones is considered normal; yet often times if your symptoms (listed above) are worsening with time or interfering with your day to day operations, you should consider seeking expert opinion.
Water and Hormonal Balance

Water is the most refreshing and revitalizing solvent that has the capacity to dissolve and remove impurities from the blood. According to the research published in the Biochemistry (1) journal, investigators suggested that mild changes in the tissue hydration status can significantly influence the integrity of biological systems by affecting hormonal balance, serum osmolality, concentration of toxins or uptake of nutrients. Long term disturbances in the tissue hydration can lead to oxidative stress that can further lead to DNA damage, permanent cellular dysfunction and end-organ damage.Here is how poor water intake affects hormonal balance:
- Poor perfusion of liver and kidneys: Water maintain circulatory pressure by supplying volume to the plasma. With low intake of water, overall circulatory pressure decreases. This can affect the perfusion (or blood supply) of several major organs like kidneys and liver. Since most hormones in our body are metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, any disturbance in the functioning of these organs can directly lead to impaired metabolism and excretion of these hormones.
- High concentration of hormonal breakdown products: Hormonal secretion is controlled by higher brain centers. Unfortunately, in the presence of circulating hormonal breakdown products, the feedback signals are inhibited and new functional hormones are not released in the circulation.
- Toxins: Most glands are very sensitive to the concentration of toxins in the blood. Poor tissue hydration can affect the detoxification of tissues and leads to glandular dysfunction and hormonal imbalance.
Results of extensive experimentation published in the peer reviewed journal BMC veterinary research (2) concluded:“Dehydration substantially increased the circulating levels of norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol but decreased plasma epinephrine”. Therefore healthcare providers advise:
- Every individual should maintain optimal water intake to ensure tissue hydration.
- The need to consume sufficient quantities of water increases even more if you consume medications (pharmacological preparation or over the counter supplements), suffering from a medical illness or consume moderate amounts of food packed with chemicals, preservatives, artificial coloring etc.
- Effort should be taken to consume healthy and clean water (that is free from impurities and heavy metals).
What Else Can You do to Promote Detoxification and Restoration of Hormonal Balance?

Proper circulation is essential for the maintenance of a healthy reproductive and hormonal system. This can be accomplished by:
- Increasing the intake of iron rich foods
- Massaging the pelvis with sesame oil (mixed with some drops of ginger oil) has been known as an effective therapy for enhancing blood circulation in the pelvic glands.
- Consumption of green tea and other antioxidant rich beverages and foods also helps a great deal in neutralizing free radicals and toxins.
- Perform regular physical activity to enhance systemic circulation to all the glands of the body while improving basal metabolism and energy generation.
If your hormonal imbalance is affecting your sexual or reproductive life, it is highly recommended to see your primary care provider at earliest convenience!References:
- Haussinger, D. (1996). The role of cellular hydration in the regulation of cell function. Biochem. j, 313, 697-710.
- Ali, M. A., Adem, A., Amir, N., Nyberg, F., & Kazzam, E. (2013). Effects of dehydration and blockade of angiotensin II AT1 receptor on stress hormones and anti-oxidants in the one-humped camel. BMC veterinary research, 9(1), 232.