Curved Dick Disease (Peyronie's disease)

April 11, 2019

Penises come in many shapes, sizes, and even curves. Some men might slightly curve the right, while other’s curve to the left, and some are perfectly straight. However, there’s a difference between a slight curve and Peyronie’s disease or “curved dick” disease.

What is Peyronie’s or curved dick disease?

Peyronie’s disease is an accumulation of scar tissue in the penis that causes the shaft to bend or curve when erect. While some men can live normal lives with Peyronie’s, others experience pain, problems with sexual intercourse, decreased confidence and anxiety due to the disease.The cause of Peyronie’s disease is not completely understood. It may be linked to repeated injury to the penis such as rough sex or an accident. After an injury, the penis develops scar tissue which inhibits that area to stretch as the blood flows to the shaft during an erection. This results in a curved or bent penis, and in some cases, severe pain.While some cases of Peyronie’s can be linked to injury, others have no record of damage that could cause scar tissue formation. This leads some doctors to believe that Peyronie’s can also be caused by genetic predisposition. Those with other connective tissue disorders are also more likely to get Peyronie’s disease. Those over the age of 55 are also more susceptible to Peyronie’s.

The effects and complications of curved dick disease

Beyond the undesirable aesthetics of curved dick or Peyronie’s disease, there are several complications or effects of Peyronie’s.

  • Pain during erection
  • Inability to have sexual intercourse
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Inability to father children
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Relationship difficulties

While some men can live perfectly happy lives with Peyronie’s, many others deal with pain and relationship strain due to the complications from the disease.

Solutions to Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease can wreak havoc on a man’s life and his sexual and romantic relationships. If caught in the early stages, Peyronie’s may be able to be easily rectified with oral treatments and vitamins. However, if the disease continues to form hardened scar tissue and plaque, more extensive medical treatment may be required.Many doctors take a “wait and see” approach if the penis is not experiencing pain, severe bend, or issues in achieving an erection or sexual performance. However, Dr. Elist believes precautions should be taken immediately. If you are experiencing curvature in your penis upon erection, please reach out to schedule a consultation. You may be able to keep Peyronie’s from becoming worse by being proactive.

Oral Medication

Some oral medications have been prescribed to treat Peyronie’s with mixed results. They may be able to slowly lessen scar tissue over several months but discussing your case with Dr. Elist can determine the best plan of action.


One way that Peyronie’s may be able to be treated is with injections to the shaft of the penis. These work to breakdown or stop the production of collagen and fibrous tissues that create the buildup of scar tissue causing the curvature.


Surgery is a method only employed in more severe cases that have been occurring for a year or more. Types of surgery include suturing the unaffected side, incision or excision and grafting, and penile implants.Peyronie’s disease is an issue that can have dire effects on your quality of life. If you have noticed a curvature during erection or are experiencing any type of pain, please reach out to Dr. Elist to schedule a consultation to address the condition while in the early stages – treating it early is important.

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