Bladder Prolapsed, All You Need To Know About

April 9, 2014

Bladder Prolapsed, All You Need To Know About

A bladder prolapsed is the condition where the muscles of the vagina's front wall that normally supports the bladder, collapse and the bladder crosses into the vagina. If the bladder prolapsed , the following problems often occur:

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Varying Stages of Bladder Prolapsed

In women, bladder prolapsed may occur in 4 stages:Grade 1- (Mild): Where a small portion of the bladder drops into the vagina.Grade 2- (Moderate): Where the bladder drops all the way to the opening of the vagina.Grade 3- (Severe): The bladder is protruding out of the vagina.Grade 4- (Complete): Where the entire bladder protrudes outside the vagina.

Causes of A Bladder Prolapsed

Bladder prolapsed are often associated with menopause when estrogen production decreases. Estrogen helps to keep the vaginal muscles tight to in order to make the vagina stronger. As a result of diminishing  estrogen production  after menopause the vaginal muscles become less strong.The main causes for a bladder prolapsed include:

  • Child bearing: The delivery process may bring stress to the vaginal tissue and muscles which supports the bladder.
  • Menopause: The effect of estrogen (which helps to maintain the strength of the muscles) in the vagina stops.
  • Straining: Women who lift heavy objects, have an illness that causes coughing, or constipation that requires straining may suffer from compromised pelvic floor muscles.
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Symptoms of A Bladder Prolapsed

Treatment Options For Bladder Prolapsed

The treatments of bladder prolapsed begin with the use of Kegel exercises on a daily basis to strengthen the vagina. In more advanced cases, estrogen replacement therapy and a support device for the vagina can provide support. Very irritating or severe cases that don't respond properly to a supporting device can be treated with surgery. There are women who will not notice the first symptoms of bladder prolapsed because they may be mild. However, if you notice any of the above symptoms of bladder prolapsed, you need to consult with a physician immediately.

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