What is Anejaculation?

February 11, 2015
What is Anejaculation?

What is Anejaculation?

Anejaculation is a condition in which a man is not able to release semen despite erection. In other words, it is a condition in which men are not able to ejaculate. This can result in a distressed state and affect your relationship with your partner.

Causes of Anejaculation

Anejaculation or the Dry Orgasm

Anejaculation is a condition characterized by the absence of ejaculation, which may be primary or secondary. In primary anejaculation, the concerned men have never been able to ejaculate. On the other hand, those having secondary anejaculation have had occasional or situational ejaculation problems, meaning a man can ejaculate occasionally.It may be caused by psychological or physical factors, including:

  • Inflammation of the prostate gland
  • Bladder, prostate, or abdomen surgery that damages pelvic nerves
  • Partial urinary tract obstruction
  • Nervous system problem, including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and spinal cord injuries
  • Any condition, such as arthrosclerosis, that disrupts the functioning of the heart in pumping blood to different parts of the body

Psychological anejaculation is characterized as anorgasmic, which may be situational or total. Situational anejaculation can occur in stressful situations or when there is relationship problem with one partner, or a psychological conflict.Total anejaculation is a condition in which a man is unable to ejaculate at all when awake. This could be due to deep-rooted psychological conflicts. However, such men may have normal sleep emissions while asleep.Diabetes is an important cause of physical anejaculation, which occurs due to obstructive or neurogenic causes.

Diagnosis of Anejaculation

Spermatogenesis Image

Post-ejaculation urine analysis is the most common method to diagnose the problem. A urine sample is taken immediately after sexual climax to check for traces of sperm in the urine.If the urine doesn't contain sperm, it’s a case of anejaculation.If the urine has traces of sperm, the condition is diagnosed as retrograde ejaculation, which involves back flow of semen into the bladder at the time of orgasm.

Treatment of Anejaculation

Treatment primarily depends on the underlying cause of the problem.

  • A blockage in the urethra or any other obstruction will require a surgery.
  • An infection in the prostate will require an antibiotic therapy.
  • For psychological issues affecting ejaculation, professional counseling can help deal with the emotional trauma.
  • For situational anejaculation, psychological or sexual counseling may be sought to address the root cause of the problem.

When fertility isn't an issue, the condition doesn't require any treatment.Men with anejaculation can have children with the help of assisted reproductive technologies, includingTesticular Biopsy – The technique involves using a needle or open biopsy to collect sperm from the biopsy tissue. The sperm is then injected into the egg through intracytoplasmic sperm injection.Vibrator/Electrical Stimulation – The method helps contract pelvic muscles in order to stimulate ejaculation. After ejaculation, sperm is collected and injected to the egg through an in vitro fertilization procedure.

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