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Penoscrotal Webbing in Beverly Hills, CA

Penoscrotal Webbing Beverly Hills

Penoscrotal Webbing Condition

Penoscrotal webbing is a physical condition acquired at birth or by complications from circumcision during infancy where the skin of the scrotum is attached to the underside of the penile shaft concealing the penoscrotal angle [1].

Webbed penis does not appear to cause any problems in children except for poor appearance. However, in adults this can cause poor appearance, penile curvature, and can even prevent penetration during sexual activity in the most severe cases of penoscrotal webbing Beverly Hills patients can experience. These effects can lead to psychological problems and sexual dysfunction leading to poor quality of life and even low self-esteem due to cosmetic deformity. The condition can be due to a few factors:

  • Genetic condition
  • Complications during circumcision
  • Overly aggressive removal of skin from under side of the penis during circumcision

Treatments for Penoscrotal Webbing

Treatments for penoscrotal webbing involve surgical procedures. There are various procedures available for patients that can correct this issue. One such process is anchoring the scrotum to the base of the penis and another is Z-plasty.

The surgical treatment that is used depends on the status of the penoscrotal webbing [2]. Each procedure is used to correct it in different ways and this is determined by your surgeon. At our practice in Beverly Hills penoscrotal webbing surgical methods usually focuses on the reconstruction of the normal appearance of the penis and scrotum. Dr. Elist has deep experience helping patients who have penoscrotal webbing and correcting this condition for them. To learn more about possible treatment as well as the possible risks, complications, benefits, and alternatives, including no surgery, please contact Dr. Elist’s office today.

Penoscrotal Webbing Beverly Hills
Penoscrotal Webbing Beverly Hills
Penoscrotal Webbing Beverly Hills


  • 1. Gohary, Mohamed Amin El, and Montasser El-Koutby. “Webbed Penis: A New Classification.” Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, vol. 15, no. 2, 2010, p. 50., doi:10.4103/0971-9261.70637.
  • 2. Chen, Yue-Bing, et al. “A New Plastic Surgical Technique for Adult Congenital Webbed Penis.” Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, vol. 13, no. 9, 2012, pp. 757–760., doi:10.1631/jzus.b1200117.
  • 3. Lee KCJ, Brock GB. Strategies for maintaining penile size following penile implant. Transl Androl Urol 2013;2(1):67-73. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2013.01.05

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