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Types of Urinary Incontinence

December 9th, 2014

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can be very inconvenient for those who have it. Essentially, it is the accidental leakage of urine that impacts millions of people around the world. Most of those who deal with it are women, and there are several different types of urinary incontinence to be aware of.

Stress Urinary IncontinenceStress Urinary Incontinence

The first type is stress incontinence, and it happens when there is an increase in the pressure on the abdomen. This can happen when coughing, sneezing, or even laughing. It can also happen during exercise. There are several causes of this type of urinary incontinence, including pregnancy, which causes stretching and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Other factors include being overweight, having prostate surgery and the taking of various medications.

Urge Incontinence

The next type of incontinence is known as urge incontinence. This is when you have an overactive bladder and have an urge to go to the restroom, but do not make it in time. There are a number of reasons that this can occur including damage to muscles, damage to the nervous system of the body and damage to the nerves of the bladder.

Urinary Incontinence imageOverflow Urinary Incontinence

Another type is overflow incontinence. This happens when you are unable to empty your bladder completely and as a result, leakage can happen when the bladder is full. This is more common in men and is a frequent cause of the dribbling of urine. There are several causes for this including weak bladder muscles, blockage of the urethra and an enlargement of the prostate, medical conditions and constipation.

Functional Urinary Incontinence

The last type is functional incontinence. Physical problems such as dementia and arthritis can cause urinary incontinence. With dementia, you can literally forget that you have to get to the bathroom in time, while arthritis can prevent you from getting to the bathroom in time. There are treatments for this, at least for arthritis, that involve pain medications.
Having urinary incontinence is never a good thing, and it can be a signal of a more serious problem. If you think you have it, then you should contact your doctor so that he or she can prescribe medication for you and help you deal with the problem.
Urinary Incontinence Image

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