Constipation and UTI
Large amounts of stool that you are unable to pass out sit in the rectum. The stool deposits press up against the urethra and bladder, making it harder for the bladder to empty fully and thus allowing the growth of bacteria. It can result in urinary tract infections, UTI, as the bladder is not able to drain completely and retains urine.If the bladder cannot drain the urine, it could result in stagnant urine that could become the breeding ground for bladder infection and microbial growth.As the bladder is close to the bowel, a large deposit of stool in the colon puts pressure on the bladder, making it difficult for it to expand or hold urine very well. It could even cause the bladder to contract when it should not. With a large amount of stool, the bladder may not be able to empty well, resulting in urinary tract infections.Constipation can cause spasms in the bladder. It can also result in a condition in which the bladder is not able to empty completely.
The Constipation-UTI Connection

When diagnosing the cause of urinary tract infections, it is important to check for signs of constipation, especially in children. A study conducted on children hospitalized for chronic constipation found that a majority of them were suffering from UTI. In many cases, the treatment for constipation in kids might help cure bacteriuria, pyuria, and enuresis.UTIs are primarily caused by microbes or bacterial infections that overcome the natural defenses in the urinary tract.Children with urinary tract infection may experience:
- Vomiting
- Smelly/cloudy pee
- Pain on doing pee
- Pain in the lower part of the stomach
- Blood in the pee
- Fever without cough
- Loss of appetite
- Irritability
- Lethargic
- Poor weight gain
However, a severe UTI can spread to the kidneys or into the bloodstream and cause serious problems, including:
- Persistent vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- High fever
- Drowsiness
- Shivering

Renal ultrasound scan can be done to determine any blockages. The test is useful to determine if the kidneys are of a size or shape.Since chronic constipation is seen as a risk factor for developing UTI, it is important to treat the condition and clean your bowels by:
- Increasing your fluid intake
- Using a mild laxative
- Raising the intake of fiber in diet
Keeping your bowels clean and empty is the best way to treat the constipation-UTI problem.